Faculty introduction
In response to the adoption of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the Prefectural University of Kumamoto has established a scholarship in 2014 sponsored by Kumamoto Prefecture to foster mercury-specialized expert to make advanced efforts in Japan and overseas for realization of a mercury-free environment.
The Graduate School of Environmental & Symbiotic Sciences at the Prefectural University of Kumamoto is recruiting international students who will conduct research on environmental pollution and health hazards caused by mercury in our joint graduate program while receiving this scholarship.
The scholarship covers (1) Entrance fee, (2) Tuition, (3) Living Expenses, (4) Travel Expenses, (5) Transportation to/from Japan and is provided during regular courses.
The recipients of this scholarship have been recognized for their research results at international academic societies. In 2019, Ms. Hoang Thi Van Anh, who was originally from Vietnam and was a mercury research students at the time, won the Poster Award at the 5th Conference on Prenatal Programming and Toxicity (PPTOX V). In the same year, Indonesian mercury research student Mr. Randy Novirsa received the Best Student Award at the 18th Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health.
*As a general rule, this scholarship is intended for persons with nationalities of developing countries and emerging countries (regions) where environmental measures regarding mercury are considered necessary. For details, please see the application guide.

*Information on the application is updated every April.
Center for International Education & Exchange
Prefectural University of Kumamoto